Following on from the Orange inchies in my last post, I realised later that I forgot to add the 2nd set, so with a bit of luck tomorrow, I can photograph them in good light and pop them on. Sorry bubblies!!
I've made a big effort to catch up with my 52Q cards and just need to make up 2 of them and then take a look at the recent one just gone, (Sunday) and then do that one too. Since being back at work, it's almost impossible here to do anything during the evening, as I either just want to chill out on the net for an hour and just not have to think about concentrating on anything, lol.
So, I won't bore you with all of the 52's that I've caught up with lol, so will just put 2 on for now.
Wk 9 - What was the last brave thing you did?

Wk 10 - Name 5 movies that inspire you creatively
.................well, I could only think of one right now, LOL!!

The story to this film 'Frankie & Johnny' is absolutely beautiful. I love Al Pacino and think he is such a talented actor as well as a bit of a stonk (moreso in his younger day lol), but he'll do for me whatever age LOL. When Frankie & Johnnie go out for the evening on a Saturday night, (and as Al sings it in the film "Saturday night, the loneliest night of the week"), Frankie reluctantly agrees to go out with him to stop him from pestering her and toward the end of the evening, or rather, earlier hours, they stop in the market area at the back of a delivery van, when all of a sudden the van door slides up and there is the most beautiful array of bouquets of flowers, all different colours. You can almost smell them. This part of the film always inspires me to want to create something/anything with lots of colour in. Something almost misted or watercoloured, hence why I made my card based on my translation from this film. :-)) I always cry when I watch this film, but it is worth watching, especially if you like both Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer.
Frankie requests that the radio station plays "Claire de Lune" by Debussy. This is a beautiful piece of music.
I'm really glad I didn't give up, as, once I started to catch up and keep notes of the events/feelings from the stated week dates, I really felt it was worth it's while, as I know I will have lots of mixed feelings when I look back at what has happened over THIS past year, come the end of the year and a lot has happened in my personal life, so hopefully it will be uplifting and both positive too.
I also intended for my blog to include only craft related blogging stories lol, but I guess now and again a couple of other things will pop in. I thought I'd pop a piccy on of Ozzy our yorkshire terrier who has been quite poorly the past month. Thankfully he is much better now and was well enough today to have his annual booster. The vet has been amazing and said she was so pleased with his recovery. Ozzy has a skin problem, which at the moment isn't too bad, in that it doesn't require any treatment. We have to bathe him twice a week for 3 weeks in a special shampoo and just keep monitoring him. He has an eye condition known as 'dry eye'. which means he doesn't have any tear ducts, so has to have ointment applied to his eyes 3-4 times a day for life. Since having this treatment his eyes have been soo sparkly, it's been amazing. I only have to say to him in the morning, "Ozzy, come and have your face and eyes done" and he trots into the kitchen and sits down in front of me. I tell you, it's amazing. He must know that it makes his eyes better, it's quite funny really. He also tilts his head one side, as the ointment applied, then tilts his head the opposite side for the other eye, amazing, LOL!!
So here's a few pics of him taken in our garden.......................Just to highlight why the photo was taken quite a distance away is because the garden has been extended recently and it seems that he has found his little patch and when the sun is shining, he goes out to the same spot and just basks in the sun. So I took the photo from the back door as this is how far away he is from it, plus he looks funny when looking at the photo as you can hardly see him, ha ha. I popped a closer one on too when I zoomed right in.

This photo was taken on Saturday when we went to a local rally up at Brecon. It was a bootiful day, so I made some rolls and off we went.

Hope you've enjoyed the non crafty pics and thanks for popping by and taking a look. XX
PS - Sorry for the waffle. Nearly fell asleep when reading it back to myself, lol. XX