Friday, 6 February 2009

Tagged again LOL!!

Yes, I've been tagged by Tracey, thank you!! The idea is to blog the fourth photo from your fourth folder in My Pictures. It seems to be over on Bubbly Funk that a food theme could be dawning with these pics, hee hee.

So, here's mine - some strawberries I'd taken a year or so ago, when trying to work out the depth of field with my newish (at the time) camera. I must admit that I became quite addicted to DoF and was forever taken photos LOL. It's not a brilliant DoF, something I've never been able to achieve with my camera, time for an upgrade one day soon.

Nothing crafty to share, but I'm going to make my 4th 52Q card tomorrow, let's hope I'm feeling manically happy and full of beans ha ha.
Thanks for popping by. XX


Janice said...

You are a brilliant photographer Beth. I love your strawberries and so glad that there is more food to look at - yum!

Traceyr said...

ooo Beth pass the cream they would go lovely with those strawberries. Brilliant photo.


Hazel said...

Mmmm yummy - great photo. x

Gez Butterworth said...

WOW!! Stunning shot Beth.

I dream of taking shots like that it's brilliant. Good luck with the 52Q tomorrow. xx

Net said...

Oh Yum! They'd go nicely with my pecan shortbread Beth!

Sue said...

They look yummy Beth.
Now I understand Janice's comment about mine not being food related.
Sue x

Karen said...

ooo yummy!!! This is a great photograph Beth...don't know what you are on about honey XXX

Beth said...

Thank you for all your lovely comments, they are all very encouraging. XX