I did it!!!
I'm feeling rather chuffed right now as I've finally managed to create my first ever blog banner. Cor, what a sweat that was, LOL. Karen and Di (links to their blogs are to the right) from Bubbly Funk popped up a set of instructions (tutorial) for a blog banner, so I first decided to try a digi one, hence working from Di's. I shall also try another one tomorrow, that's if it doesn't take another week to do it, LOL. So I just want to say thank you very much Di, even though I did get a little confused going along. I think if you try to do something yourself first it kind of sinks in better than if someone did it for you, IYSWIM? Not that I would turn down anyone's offer of help, but I just find it helps me to try it myself aswell.So, oooh, I'm so chuffed, I really am.I don't have anything to show as I haven't had any time to create anything this week, (hence my new title, rather appropriate I thought, LOL).So, I will try and pop by tomorrow and hopefully show my 3rd week of Emily's 52Q's.Oh, my hubby thinks that the font needs changing as he read it as "realing now and again!!" Please let me know what you think? I wanted the font bigger, but it only went up to 72. Any tips or advice is appreciated. Thank ewe!Have a lovely evening and thanks for popping by. XX
I'm not surprised your chuffed - it's brilliant!! x
Brilliant Beth, love it to bits. The colours are gorgeous. I read your title okay, if that's any help. xx :o)
Oh well done Beth, your banner looks fabuloso hun.
The type looks big enough to me but you can just type in the size you want over 72pt I think if you do want it bigger. xx
Yay, well done you! I was going to say what Di said - 72pt is the biggest that shows in a drop down box but if you just type in a higher value and hit return it should work. It's such a curly font that bigger might work better against the patterned background.
It's a fab new banner hun.
Si may have a point on the font. Go and have a play and then show us version 2! Practice makes perfect after all!!!
Get you Beth. Well done on the header now I need a one. lol
ooo well done!!! It looks very sophisticated...lovely colours XXX
You are clever to get yourself a customised blog header. I may summon up the courage and the brain to try it myself one day.
Sue x
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