First, I'd like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope it's a year which brings good health, warmth, happiness and peace of mind to you all. I know that I for one, certainly need the peace of mind bit LOL!!
So..............I am going to try not to forget to do my blog this year. Well, it's not a case of forgetting, it's a case of having the time to set aside in order to get everything ready to upload, but I have had to make a couple of hard decisions lately and although they were very difficult to make, they may allow me the extra bit of time to spend creating and begin enjoying my hobby again!! We'll see!
What have I been up to recently then..................? Well, I've decided to join in with my first CJ on Bubbly Funk and I can't tell you how excited I am about it all. I will probably take forever and a day to choose my theme, but nevertheless, I am really looking forward to this one. I last did a CJ about 3 years ago, so I think it's about time I did another one LOL!!
I've also taken up the Emily Falconbridge's 52 Q's. and have completed the first two, so how's that for being organised? I'm waiting now for the next one and determined to keep up to date with these aswell. I've yet to think of where I'm going to keep them, or what I'm going to make to keep them in, but that will have to wait for now. I have also written some personal notes/sentiments for these, but these are kept separate for that reason alone. What do I wish for this year to bring?
Am I afraid of change?

I also finished my mug that I got when up at the NEC Birgmingham with the Bubblies. The photo isn't brill due to bad lighting (that's right, it's never the photographer's fault lol). No, the lighting was not good, but you can just about see what I did.
The 52Q's and CJ are the first two things that I really wanted to do in my spare time. I'd love to join in with other projects too, but for now I don't want to take on too much, otherwise it's a case of backing out and spoiling it for other people and I don't want to do that. So fingers crossed for me that I can dedicate my time to these little fun projects. I'm really looking forward to it!!
Been having a play before tea today with my BIA machine. I bought it in November for my birthday, took it out of the box before christmas and finally had a go with it today LOL!! Looking forward to making some little projects with it soon. I don't know what the difference is between this one and version 2. Does anyone know if there's much difference?
Anyway, it's good to be back and thank you for popping along and reading my blog. See you soon. XX