Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Hellooooo, I'm back, *waves* lol.

As you can see, this is my new blog. Well, it's a year and two days ago since I last posted. I tried to do it on Monday (18th), but just didn't get round to it. My blog is very basic at the mo, (though probably will be for a while, lol), but I thought I might aswell start blogging again, otherwise the longer I wait to get my template right, you know, all the faffing about etc, I probably wouldn't be blogging for another year, so you may see a few additions as time goes on, but hopefully it will all look alright in the end. I'm just having probs with my banner, but have had lots of tips/advice from my bubbly pals, so I'm sure I'll get it right in the end.

I haven't done much crafting until this past month or so, as for this past year, quite a few changes have occurred in my personal life, mostly positive changes, but some not so good too, but all is going well for the moment and I'm just taking each day as it comes and looking forward to the future.

I have decided that I would like to keep this blog just for crafting purposes, but maybe add in bits and pieces of my daily life, I guess I will just see how it goes. :-)

I'm working full time now, so for the time being, a portion of my spare time has been taken up with my involvement on Bubbly Funk with the Think Pink Challenges that are currently running. I was only speaking to
Karen last night and I mentioned that I don't know how I became enthusiastic again about crafting and Karen thinks it was the Think Pink challenges and I couldn't agree, I couldn't honestly, lol. Di introduced us to the challenges and everyone has been sooo generous with their efforts in their creations and those of us involved are donating our creations to a very worthy cause, Breast Cancer Awareness.

I have a logo for the Think Pink to add to my blog, so when I get a mo, I will add it. :-)

So, thanks for reading my very first post, ha ha and I shall add some more tomorrow.


Kaz said...

Yay whoo and lots of hooray types phrases. Good to see you back hun xxx

Anonymous said...

Wow great to read you back in blog land Beth. :)

Traceyr x

Janice said...

Woo Hoo! Lovely to have you back blogging Beth, will keep watching your new space.

Sue said...

Hi Beth and welcome to blogland. I say welcome 'cos I didn't know you when you had your previous blog.
Mine started out as just craft but a few family bits creep in now and then.
Hope you have fun with yours, Sue x

Di said...

Awww, good to see you back honey with your brand new blog.

I'm so pleased the Think Pink challenges have inspired you lovely, now start putting some of your beautiful work on here!!


tracy said...

YAY,welcome back to blogland beth,can't wait to see all your lovely stuff :)

Unknown said...


Great to see you back in Blogland, looking forward to seeing your creations and reading about your very busy life.

Elaine xx

Anonymous said...

great blog hun--can't wait tosee some of your 'crafty bits' LOL

Kathy said...

Great to see you back and blogging Beth - looking forward to seeing all this creativity!

Karen said...

WOO WOO WOO!!!!! Brilliant to see you back in blogland my lovely!!! Can't wait to see what you put on it now XXX

Angelnorth said...

Hello Beth, welcome back! Looking forward to seeing some more of your crafty projects!

Unknown said...

Welcome back to blogland my darling!

I've been a very bad Bubbly recently. I need more time in the day and more energy than I have.

Beth said...

Thank you all for the lovely welcome, 'my lovely best bubbly buddies'. XXXXX

Sam said...

welcome back Beth!!