Yes indeed, a week has gone by since I arrived home from my first ever crafting weekend retreat .
Did I have a nice time.....? YES, I had a cracking time, despite being homesick for nearly 3 days LOL!! I was only an hour and three quarters away from home, but nevertheless, I felt dreadfully homesick from the moment I arrived, (Friday 4pmish), up until early Sunday afternoon. Silly really, but I've never been away from home for that long before without Simon and Martyn.
I met some of the lovely bubblies a few times before, but there were a few new bubblies that we had not met, so it was a real pleasure to meet them IRL. Everyone was lovely, everyone made it as cosy and as fun as possible and despite it being a new thing for most of us, everyone seemed to get along nicely and share their stash, ideas and their laughter. It was lovely and despite myself being quiet, I enjoyed myself and it was just lovely and relaxing crafting for most of each day, without having to worry about little ones asking when lunch or tea is ready, or what are you doing now Mum.....LOL.
Our group piccy...................

We had our own chefs on board hee hee, a few of the girls did the cooking and made sure we had a lovely evening meal each night. Think I will hire these for special occasions lol.
Roll on Retreat 2010!!
Here's a few pics of the weekend.................
This is TraceyR's monkee that she won in the raffle. I think he's doing a grand job holding Tracey's retreat planner............don't you? (hee hee).
Aside from the main group pic that we had taken, this one has to be the next best one. It's just simply lovely, and as TraceyR said, it kind of represents our friendship. "Sniff Sniff" LOL.
I haven't taken close up piccies of the things we made yet, so will do that later this week and upload them.
What have I done this weekend.....? Well, not an awful lot really. Have had the continuation of my headache from the retreat weekend, which carried on last week and a bit of this weekend too. I feel it's because I am just over tired, so have tried to rest when I can, but it's not always convenient to do that.
Yesterday, I unpacked my stash from last weekend. What a chore eh lol? Anyway, most of it is done now, so this afternoon I managed to spend an hour and a bit making a very belated birthday card. I managed to finish it after tea and take a piccy before the light faded and just in time before my camera batteries when flat.

Ooh, nearly forgot......................Karen taught us how to crochet. Well, she tried her darned hardest, aimed with loads and loads of patience too. I think I had my hand up more than anyone else saying.......Karen, Karen, I'm stuck LOL, and this was just after she showed me what to do, as soon as she walked off to go to Tracey, I'd forgotten, then tried to see what Tracey was doing, try it on mine and hope for the best, LOL!! Anyway, I've resorted to ordering a crochet book, so at least I will have something to refer to and work from, hopeless with something new until it 'clicks', then it's the best thing ever, lol.
Bye for now and thanks for popping along and reading my blog. XX