Wednesday, 12 November 2008

What am I like lol? I've been absent again and not done any blogging. To be fair, I've been a bit busy with work, home and family stuff and my Psychology course has taken up a good deal of my time too. I haven't written soooo many essays since doing English at College, lol. Soooo much writing, I can't believe it.

Anyway, I'm actually blogging now and thought I'd pop a photo on that I took of the carved pumpkin for Halloween. I did my first one last year and carved Michael Myers (Halloween films) and now this year Martyn chose to have "The Joker" (Heath Ledger, poor chap gone now) from the recent Batman film (The Dark Knight). Gawd, it took me blumming ages, at least 7 hours in between lunch and tea time, lol. I think Ozzy (our dog) was so fed up of waiting for me to go into the lounge and sit down (he only wanted my lap lol), that he resorted to jumping on the chair at the side of me in the kitchen and slept there instead, LOL.

So, here's The Joker.....................

Also, I've recently celebrated my birthday and receieved lots of really lovely handmade cards from the girls on Bubbly Funk. I couldn't open them till about Saturday afternoon, but when I did, I had a cuppa tea at my side and carefully opened each one and enjoyed them all. Such talented ladyloolahs I can tell you, every card has it's own character. I shall always treasure them, so thanks girls, I lubs you all.

I've popped them on for you to have a look. The lighting (as you will imagine, from the recent weather), was utterly rubbish and doesn't do them justice. I will try to remember to take them again when we have better days.
From Karen

From Carol
From my Son Martyn

From my best friend Sue
From Nicky
From TraceyR
From Kathy
From Sue (swardy)
From Kaz
From Janice

From Gez
From Paddy
From EmJ
From Hazel
From Elaine (Emblake)

From Ali
What else is happening..........? Ooh yes, we're off to the NEC on Saturday morning. Me for the craft show and Si and Martyn for the Classic Motor Show, plus I am meeting up with some of the girls from Bubbly Funk. I've met a few last year, but there are some new faces to meet this year, so am really looking forward to having a chin wag and do some shopping, hee hee.
So, tis all for now, I wish I had some creations to upload, but alas, I don't. Hopefully have some time on the weekend, then again, maybe not, LOL.

Thanks for popping by. XX